18 November 2012 #smart farming #wsn #wireless sensor #raingauge
Improvised Rain Gauge Data Logger. Low cost and small footprint. support both Zigbee and GSM for data upload to the cloud based reporting server.— at Taman Kekal Pengeluaran Makanan (TPKM) Besut.
02 October 2012 #wireless sensor network #wsn
31 July 2012 #ipad enclosure #android #ios #php #customer feedback system
30 April 2012 #rain-gauge #rtms #tipping bucket #pluviometer #highway #low power #tolok hujan
Protoype - Raingauge RTMS.
21 February 2011 #theodolite #leica malaysia #kajian dan pemantaun cerun #1 milimiter #jps #jabatan kerja raya #plus #csl #soilcentralab.aqa-q #slope monitoring
03 January 2011
To customers, friends and family, we would like to wish a happy new year to all.
14 November 2010 #futsal #sportq #smartbooking #management
We are now finalizing a deal on SmartBooking with biggest sports venue operator in Malaysia.