An Integrated Laboratory Information System (ILIS) is a type of software that is used to manage the various operations and processes within a laboratory. It provides a centralized platform for laboratory personnel to manage, store, and analyze laboratory data, including patient information, test results, and instrument readings.

ILIS is designed to streamline the laboratory operations, making it easier for laboratory staff to manage their work and increase efficiency. Some of the key features of ILIS include:

  • Patient Information Management: ILIS allows for the management of patient information, including demographics, test orders, and results.
  • Test Management: ILIS provides a comprehensive platform for laboratory staff to manage test requests, track samples, and record test results.
  • Instrument Integration: ILIS can integrate with laboratory instruments, allowing for the transfer of data between instruments and the system.
  • Reporting and Analysis: ILIS provides a variety of reporting and analysis tools, making it easy to track trends and identify patterns in laboratory data.
  • Workflow Management: ILIS can help laboratory staff to manage their workflow by automating repetitive tasks and providing real-time updates on the status of tests and samples.

A complete 15 medical laboratory management system, for managing patient test request, up to final test result submission. Supporting 15 Medical Laboratory Entomology, Virology,  Transplant Immonology, Allergy, ImmuniDefensi Primer


  • 15 Medical Laboratories Supports.
  • 1000+ Test.
  • PDF Report generator.
  • Custom header for each laboratory.
  • 36's report tempate to choose.
  • Customised Rules
  • Able to be integrated with reports delivery system.
  • Medico-legal Support.
  • Supports Patient Demographics, Test Execution, Test Result, Test Validation, Test Authorisation, Test Rejection, Re-Test.
  • Support Turn-Around-Time Calculator.
  • Support Work-Listing

Overall, ILIS provides a centralized platform for managing the operations of a laboratory, making it easier for laboratory staff to work effectively and efficiently, and helping to improve the accuracy and speed of test results.